Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is my big brother's birthday.

Happy Birthday to him.

It seems appropriate his birthday should fall on the longest day of the year. Talk about a labor of love for my mother!

Now he is grown and has kids of his own, we look forward to sharing birthdays with them more than our own. It just seems that as you age birthdays come and go, sometimes, many times, without us noticing.

Another friend of ours is celebrating a special professional career anniversary this weekend. A big party is being thrown in honor of the event. But my friend would like to skip out and rather not be the focus of attention. But my sense is a smaller, special acknowledgement of the day would be okay.

Remember when birthdays and special days were always so important and we wanted to feel that special everyday? It didn't matter so much if a big deal was made, just as long as something was done to make us feel special.

What things can you do to put that special feeling back into everyday life and business? What little things can you do with your family, friends, co-workers and customers to make them feel special - at least a little special - everyday?

I think I need to call my brother ....

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