Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thinking Ahead....

Over the next few weeks I am going to be traveling extensively to places I have never been before. I am excited about what is in store and what it means to the growth of my business and my passion of helping individuals and organizations discover and live out their vision and mission.

I am wondering if the people that I will be working with over the next few weeks are as excited as I am. I tend to follow the Steven Covey "begin with the end in mind" axiom whenever I start a new project or begin a new endeavor. I can already begin to see the results of my work and know that what lies ahead will also produce some pretty big results. Over the next several weeks my business will begin to take shape in to the type of business that I really had a vision for. I never really lost sight of what could happen - but my lack of patience seems to get the better of me at times. But I was always thinking ahead to what I knew my work could be like and I never gave up on the vision.

There will be much more to come about this in the next several weeks and much of this today may not make sense but there are big things ahead. I hope that you are thinking ahead and have a vision for the big things that can come your way.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leaving a Legacy

In conversation the other day I was talking with someone about how to leave a legacy. Not because we were discussing death or any one's demise but because we were wondering for ourselves at our current age what our legacy was going to include. What are we doing in the world right now that will have a lasting impression long after we move on to the next thing that comes our way. We were also talking about how it seems that people do things for all the wrong reasons when it comes to serving or giving back. In many cases it's become about naming rites instead of giving and sacrifice.

People often think that they need to have a lot of money, be materialistically wealthy or have a place of great power and control to leave a legacy. That is not true. I think many of us know that we don't need all of these things in our life. We know that there are things that we can do everyday to leave a lasting legacy without it having to do with money or possessions.

What are the things that you can do or what are things that you are doing right now that can contribute and have a lasting effect on the world? This can take shape in many ways. You do not need to look far to see your legacy taking form right now.

It could be in how you raise your kids, or even better how you helped make the world better by helping children that are not even your own.

It could be that you helped your community or a community that you never lived in.

It could be that you are helping people that need more that what just giving them money can provide.

Think about how you live. Think about the people that you interact with. Think about the chances that you have everyday to leave the world a better place. Think about giving hope to those that may not even know hope is possible.

You don't have to write big checks, you don't need to be in a position of power.
You don't need to have a building named after you to leave a legacy.
One person.
One day.
One thing that you do can change and leave the world a better place....forever.
Now that's how you leave a legacy.