Monday, July 9, 2007

Back in the swing of things....

The holiday is over and it's time to kick things into high gear this week and get back on track after the July 4th holiday. It seemed like everyone was taking some time off during the last week - so my husband and I decided to do the same thing.

We spent some time together just the two of us. Something that we have not done in a long time. We did something that we have never done alone together. We went tent camping. Just the two of us. We packed, actually I packed, all of the stuff and we hit the road. Watch here for updates on the trip and pictures!

YES - I am adding pictures to the blog. I figured out how to do it! Everyone keeps saying, "you need to add pictures!" So look out world - in the next few posts, there will be pictures.

OH - and for those who have been checking back to see if I have kept the blog updated daily like I said I was going was hard to get a connection in the wilderness of northern Michigan. So you will just have to check back over the next week to get caught up. I have a very long list of blog topics that are just burning to be posted!

Enjoy the day!

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