Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the "rest" of the year...

Time has flown by since I have had time to blog. There has been plenty going on but my writing skills have been at work on coaching and consulting projects as well as academic projects. Today is the first day in a long time when I have had to write.

In preparation for the rest of my week and an upcoming trip, I looked at my calendar and my "master" to do list. There are lots of things that I want to get done before the end of the year.

While many people are taking time off this time of year to rest, I like to use this time to get the "rest of my list" done.From December 9, the day after I return from my last trip of the year, until January 5, 2009 I am focusing all of my efforts on finishing the rest of my list.

It's not going to be a vacation that's for sure but I am hoping this extended amount of devoted time will help me re-tool some things that need attention.

Many of these projects are things that are "one man jobs" that I need to do myself. They are not glamorous by any stretch and to many of you may seem like odd things to do. Or you may wonder what's wrong with me that I could not get these things done. You may not even understand many of the things on the list. But the list is what it is.

BUT there is a way you can help. Pick one of the items on the list and hold me accountable to completing it by January 5, 2009. You have my permission to send me an email or call me to ask about any one item on this list. If you call/email and I DO NOT have the item you have chosen completed you'll win something. I don't know what yet, but it will be a nice little something for helping me be accountable.

Here is my list of things to do before January 5, 2009

Find a prize for the person that finds something on this list not done
clean out the freezers and fridge
rework the layout and format for both blogs
rework the layout and format of my constant contact newsletter
develop new coaching tip listing, format
switch email from outlook to google
get to know more about google
sign up for base camp account
set up account with Jott
clean out top of hutch in office
organize bookshelves - system of read, not read, etc.
clean up shelves and file cabinets
file 2008 paperwork
prep 2008 tax folders
put up the Christmas tree
clean up the basement craft/model area
organize coat closet - find donate items
take donation items to Cherry Street
update 2009 post it sheet goal list for Matt & Tracee
re-work desk area/functionality
clean up computer files/photo files
organize wedding photos
gather all garage sale items for 2009 in one place
flower arrangement/grape vine wreath completed
re-work media area for TV
clean out appliance closet
sock drawer - discard the mismatches
finalize 2009 goal list for TCC, CDM
planning calendar filled in for school, TCC, CDM
day trip w/Matt to Corunna, IN
Go to the zoo

Feel free to check back in between December 9 and January 5 to see how I am doing. And please feel free to hold me accountable! I am looking forward to the "rest" of the year!

1 comment:

Angie Weid said...

Your "find a prize" on your to-do-list cracked me up! Thanks for the chuckle.

I would like to pick the one on "knowing more about google" simply because I don't know that much about it except its great to list 3-4 food items in your home and find a wacky receipe for dinner.

Perhaps we can learn about google together. Will our first Google 101 be at our Wednesday Lunch?