Monday, September 29, 2008

What is your purpose?

In the church consultant training I am working my through one of the first questions that gets asked is, "what is the purpose of this church?" The answers tell the consultants alot about the client (the church) they are working with.

As a coach that question, rephrased to, "what is your purpose?" becomes a powerful way to uncover and bring out alot of informaion that the client has within them. In coaching we try to help client to reach their full capapcity and achieve their own desired results. In order to do that we need to understand the purpose or the personal mission and vision that drives the person being coached.

There can be a number of things that motivate you. Motivation and purpose are not the same things. Consider what your true purpose is for your life, your family, and your career.

What are doing to live out that purpose?
How can you do better?
What are the roadblocks in the way?


Dave said...

Mark 6:31. That's my purpose.

Angie said...

I like this one.