Thursday, February 21, 2008

The weather...

It's been cold here in northwest Ohio for the last several days. I mean really cold. I am beginning to wonder if I have somehow been transformed back to the ice age. I don't like the cold, I like snow, but no the cold. I am getting lots of things done though inside that do make me happy even though my mood and attitude has not been the greatest - all because of the cold.

This has got me thinking...about how much we let external things get in the way of what our internal hearts and minds say we should be doing. I wonder if we really get off track, not because we are unorganized and unfocused but if we let little external things have control too often. I know it happens, you may be setting there saying, "Suck it up, don't let the weather get in the way of running your business..."

Yeah - I hear ya....but really how many of you have thought twice about going out for that next sales call, or driving across town at sunrise to meet that client, or going to an early morning networking meeting just wasn't going to happen. Come on, fess up...I know you are out there.

It's okay to let those things happen once in a while, but we know we should not make a habit of it. It's touch to get up and at em when that means putting on four layers of clothes and knee high insulated snow boots. Weather is an external thing that can easily get us side tracked.

But let's not let the weather get us down....this too will pass. AND it will pass into hot, humid, northwest Ohio summer where we won't want to leave the air conditioned office.

So let's make the best of the weather...don't let it get you down, don't dwell on it. Let's bundle up and chat about what great business we could do together over a nice hot cup of coffee!

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